Leucistic Nuthatch
At the risk of sounding like a broken record (for those too young for this reference, it refers to vinal records that would skip
Red Fox
Winter can be a challenging time for wildlife especially when deep snow blankets the land, and the wind blows bitterly cold
Evening Grosbeak
Nothing in nature ever stays the same. It is a mantra that I find myself telling people more and more
Short-eared Owls
I am no stranger to winter weather. After all, I do live in the frozen northland. So, I really didn’t think much about it when
Yellowstone Wolves
The complexity of nature is often hard to understand and even harder to witness. Sure, we learn about it in school,
Pine Marten
Having just returned from 3 weeks in Yellowstone leading photo tours/workshops, I am tempted to write more
Once again, I found myself sitting outside in my small photo blind trying to capture a handful of images of birds in a winter/snowy setting
American Oystercatcher
Last week while leading a photo workshop in warm and sunny Florida, I was walking down a long stretch of beach
Rare Birds in Florida
Recently while leading a photo tour throughout Florida to photograph birds, it occurred to me how much things have changed
Snail Kites
It seems like there are as many different strategies employed for a bird’s survival as there are species of bird